Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Nakayama apologized when Koreans living in Japan, the Korean media and opposition parties in Japan voiced their opposition to his having described history textbooks as being “extremely masochistic’’ and having said, ‘‘It is good that the number of expressions such as ‘comfort women’ and ‘forced relocation’ has decreased’’. I think that Nakayama’s remarks were correct and that he did not have to apologize. It is a fact that Japanese historical textbooks are “excessively masochistic’’ and that the expression ‘‘comfort women’’ is inappropriate
[.....] Under international law, the judgment as to whether the war in question was either a ‘‘war for self-defense’’ or ‘‘a war of aggression’’ is acknowledged a matter of self-determination. While it is evident from the decree at the start of the war that the nation was entering a ‘‘war for self-defense’’, the Murayama Statement singled Japan out as a nation admitting to having engaged in a “war of aggression”, assuming ‘‘national responsibility’’ and ‘‘treaty violation’’.
In addition, the Japanese government seems to also regret the ceding of territory and setting of economic interests based on the bilateral treaties. If this is the right thing to do, many western nations would have to apologize to each other.
It is easy to judge the past by present day values, but is there any politician who is able to confidently point out to us what path Japan should taken in the context of international affairs and values of the day?
[......] I think the task of correcting the ill-informed government view that constrains even descriptions in textbooks is the first step to realizing education to foster the next generation which has a love for Japan. I call for a wise decision from Prime Minister Koizumi and Chief Cabinet Secretary Hosoda.
I believe that it is his [Nakayama’s] obligation to correct textbooks that are far from the thinking behind the government curriculum guidelines. He developed a marvelous perspective on education before he became the minister. Rather than apologizing, I hope that he carries out reforms based upon his firm beliefs.
Sanae Takaichi
A Member of the House of Representatives
Date of Speech
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Sanae-Column: Sanae Takaichi's official homepage
中山文部科学大臣の陳謝は残念 (Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Nakayama’s apology is regrettable)